Elli Latva-Hakuni

A curious mind and a love of nature lead Elli to research sustainability transition at Hot or Cool Institute. She works with quantitative analysis, such as carbon footprinting, life cycle assessments and scenario building, alongside other research and project management tasks. Before joining Hot or Cool, Elli worked in academia as well as private and third sector, which gave her a broad understanding of climate change mitigation and climate impact assessments. In her work, she inspired to find solutions for low-carbon and postcapitalist societies that enable people to live a good and meaningful life.

Research Highlights and Accomplishments


Latva-Hakuni, E., Bengtsson, M., Coscieme, L., Deventer, M.J. and Wollesen, G. (2023). Food Production and Consumption in a 1.5°C World – Options for Germany. Hot or Cool Institute, Berlin.

Coscieme, L., Akenji, L., Latva-Hakuni, E., Vladimirova, K., Niinimäki, K., Henninger, C., Joyner-Martinez, C., Nielsen, K., Iran, S. and D´Itria, E. (2022). Unfit, Unfair, Unfashionable: Resizing Fashion for a Fair Consumption Space. Hot or Cool Institute, Berlin.

El Geneidy, S., Alvarez Franco, D., Baumeister, S., Halme, P., Helimo, U., Kortetmäki, T., Latva-Hakuni, E., Mäkelä, M., Raippalinna, L.-M., Vainio, V., & Kotiaho, J. S. (2021). Sustainability for JYU : Jyväskylän yliopiston ilmasto- ja luontohaitat. Jyväskylän yliopisto, JYU. Wisdom – School of Resource Wisdom. Wisdom Letters, 2/2021.


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