Hot or Cool Institute is a public interest think tank that explores the intersection between society and sustainability, we bring together researchers and practitioners to facilitate solutions to global problems.
The Think Piece series publishes short, policy-relevant contributions on ideas that are not yet widely explored, intended to push the frontier of policymaking and inform public discussion on emerging perspectives on sustainability transition. Authors are leading thinkers with broad experience and innovative ideas. Published pieces integrate knowledge from different fields of science, are research-based but non-academic in style, and are solutions-oriented, and written in accessible language.
In this instalment by Anna Coote, Principal Fellow at the New Economics Foundation (NEF), we take a closer look at Universal basic services (UBS) – a proposal to meet everyone’s needs within environmental limits. While some needs can be met through market transactions, most can only be met universally and sufficiently through collective action – by delivering services, by investing public funds and by regulating for quality and sustainability. UBS contributes to a fair consumption space by securing social foundations below which no one should fall, by ensuring equity for all within the space and by avoiding breach of the ecological ceiling. It offers a principled framework for policy and practice, which applies to all areas of need. These include a universal right of access to life’s essentials, devolved power, participatory decision-making, sufficient and sustainable practice, and a mixed economy of providers, all bound by public interest obligations and supported by an enabling state. Investment in UBS will yield substantial benefits in terms of equity, efficiency, solidarity and sustainability.
To propose a topic or suggest an author for a Think Piece, contact: hello@hotorcool.org
Hot or Cool Institute is a public interest think tank that explores the intersection between society and sustainability, we bring together researchers and practitioners to facilitate solutions to global problems.
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