

PSLifestyle will equip citizens to adopt a positive, sustainable, and healthier lifestyle by guiding their consumption behaviour to drastically reduce their carbon footprint. The project’s co-creative Citizen Science Lab approach is designed to foster citizens’ active engagement in localised sustainability topics to co-develop and commit to everyday life solutions that address climate change. Citizens engage through a new online tool, which includes a carbon footprint calculator, a personalised list of climate-friendly actions, and tools to collect, monitor and analyse environmental and socio-economic data on actual behaviour.

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  • Build an innovative behaviour change and citizen science online tool that enables people to participate in generating personal sustainability data, while learning about personalised sustainable lifestyle choices.
  • Orchestrate eight local Citizen Science Labs that contribute to and promote the PSLifestyle tool development as well as generate a list of customized smart actions (Smart Everyday Actions).
  • Create and share the PSDataSet with relevant data blocks on major lifestyle areas, to enable further research and policy design beyond the project.
  • Build awareness to inspire and equip European citizens to adopt lasting behavioural patterns for sustainable and healthy lifestyles.

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Our funders

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037342.

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