“The great part of the miseries of mankind are brought upon them by false estimates they have made of the value of things” – Benjamin Franklin, 1779
Wellbeing was barely known as a concept in policy when Saamah began working in the field in 2006, based at the New Economics Foundation in London. Since then, starting with the launch of the first Happy Planet Index in the same year, he has contributed critically to the growing increase in interest in wellbeing economics and alternative indicators. Saamah has in-depth knowledge of the different approaches to measuring progress, from the international level all the way down to the local level. His academic background in psychology contributes to skills in designing and analysing surveys on social issues, as well as an understanding of the conditions required to achieve sustainable behaviour.
Saamah helped develop the What Works Centre for Wellbeing, a UK government-funded initiative to marshal and disseminate wellbeing evidence useful for policy and practice. He was a member of the Eurostat Expert Group on Quality of Life, and in 2016 won the award for Emerging Leader in the field of Community Indicators.
At Hot or Cool he seeks to use his knowledge on wellbeing and indicators to work towards the goal of good lives that don’t cost the Earth.
Contact: s.abdallah@hotorcool.org