
Are you acknowledging excess levels of material consumption as a driver of climate change and biodiversity loss? Are you considering being bolder in naming the problems associated with this, and more strategic in mobilising grants programmes in response. These are just a few of the questions we would like to ask fellow funders. The hope is this survey will help us take the pulse of the environmental philanthropy sector when it comes to the challenge of overconsumption. We will share the findings to help open up space for discussion.

All funder staff and board members are invited to take part in a 20-minute survey designed by Hot or Cool Institute´s IF4SL and The Hour Is Late in collaboration with Oak Foundation, ClimateWorks Foundation and the Environmental Funders Network.

All responses will be treated as confidential, and we will not attribute quotes to any individual when sharing the findings. The survey can be completed anonymously, or there is an option to leave your contact details. This will allow us to send you the results directly and invite you to a webinar to share and discuss the findings with other environmental funders.

It’s important to say that there are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers. We have designed the survey to try and learn where the philanthropy sector stands on the question of over-consumption, so please ‘tell us how it is’ from your individual perspective. The more funders that take part in the survey, the more useful the findings will be for everyone. We would greatly appreciate your participation, and your help in encouraging your peers to take part!

Request the survey:

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